Congressman Troy A. Carter | Official U.S. House headshot
Congressman Troy A. Carter | Official U.S. House headshot
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On July 14, 2023, Congressman Troy A. Carter, Sr. (D-La.) voted against the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
“While I acknowledge the importance of a strong national defense, I believe that the current version of the NDAA has been overtaken by extreme MAGA Republicans looking to further their own dangerous agenda. I cannot in good conscience vote for a bill that restricts service member’s access to abortion and defunds the military’s diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. Just last night, one of my colleagues referred to Black service men and women as ‘colored people.’ I never thought in the 21st century I would hear those words uttered in the halls of Congress. The GOP fights against diversity, equity, and inclusion training while proving daily why it is essential.
“House Republicans are playing politics with our national security so they can deny women in uniform lifesaving health care, target LGBTQ+ service members for discrimination, and choose the books that military families can read.
“I greatly respect the American armed forces. However, voting yes for this bill would be a disservice to all members of the military and to Louisianans. I will keep fighting back against MAGA extremism that undermines our values and hurts our national security.”
Original source can be found here.